
Use Reflection to call generic method on object instance with signature: SomeObject.SomeGenericInstanceMethod<T>(T argument)

How do I call SomeObject.SomeGenericInstanceMethod<T>(T arg) ?

There are a few posts about 开发者_运维问答calling generic methods, but not quite like this one. The problem is that the method argument parameter is constrained to the generic parameter.

I know that if the signature were instead

SomeObject.SomeGenericInstanceMethod<T>(string arg)

then I could get the MethodInfo with

typeof (SomeObject).GetMethod("SomeGenericInstanceMethod", new Type[]{typeof (string)}).MakeGenericMethod(typeof(GenericParameter))

So, How do I go about getting the MethodInfo when the regular arguments are of a generic type? Thanks!

Also, there may or may not be type constrains on the generic parameter.

You do it exactly the same way.

When you call MethodInfo.Invoke, you pass all the arguments in an object[] anyway, so it's not like you have to know the types at compile time.


using System;
using System.Reflection;

class Test
    public static void Foo<T>(T item)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", typeof(T), item);

    static void CallByReflection(string name, Type typeArg,
                                 object value)
        // Just for simplicity, assume it's public etc
        MethodInfo method = typeof(Test).GetMethod(name);
        MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(typeArg);
        generic.Invoke(null, new object[] { value });

    static void Main()
        CallByReflection("Foo", typeof(object), "actually a string");
        CallByReflection("Foo", typeof(string), "still a string");
        // This would throw an exception
        // CallByReflection("Foo", typeof(int), "oops");

You do it exactly the same way, but pass an instance of your object:

typeof (SomeObject).GetMethod(
                 // Or typeof(TheClass), 
                 // or typeof(T) if you're in a generic method

The MakeGenericMethod method only requires you to specify the generic type parameters, not the method's arguments.

You'd pass the arguments in later, when you call the method. However, at this point, they're passing as object, so it again doesn't matter.





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