vim syntax highlight improve performance
H开发者_JS百科ow do I improve performance when I'm scrolling my files and coding them? With syntax highlighting, vim is so slow. When I switch it off, everything is ok. Is there a way or any recommendations to make it faster?
Try these settings:
set nocursorcolumn
set nocursorline
set norelativenumber
syntax sync minlines=256
Also check
I was having an issue with slow performance from vim when editing certain CSS files.
I discovered that the cause in my case was large inline images using data urls.
To speed things up, I just modified my .vimrc like so:
set synmaxcol=200
This did the trick for me. Hope it helps someone else. Hat tip to
You can use the scrolljump
option. The scrolling won't be smoother but rather than scrolling line by line, it will scroll of scrolljump
lines at once.
You can try :
set scrolljump=5
It does not solve your root issue, but it is a workaround.
For large files vim will read the whole file in order to determine the context for accurate syntax highlighting.
Setting a maximum number of lines to scan will greatly increase performance, at the potential cost of accurate syntax highlighting.
Add the following to your .vimrc
autocmd BufEnter * :syn sync maxlines=500
This will set the maximum syntax buffer size to 500 lines.