LINQ Query with grouping and ranking
I have a sql table called predictions with data as below
Week Player Points
201101 Mark 7
201101 Mark 7
201101 Pete 7
201101 Pete 3
201101 Mark 5
201102 Mark 2
201102 Mark 3
201102 Pete 7
201102 Pete 5
201102 Mark 5
201103 Mark 7
201103 Mark 7
201103 Pete 7
201103 Pete 3
201103 Mark 5
Each row in the table represents a football match, hence several per week
The result I need is
Player Count of Weekly wins
Mark 2
Pete 1
So Mark had the most points in week 2011011 and 201103, Pete had the most points in week 201102
Getting the total number of points per player per week is easy. But I cannot work out how to take the highest from that weekly group and get to the result I need.
I have this all in sql query using the RANK function and then selecting all the players who have a rank of 1. This is good because if two players have the same score for a week they both get counted correctly. But I want a LINQ开发者_StackOverflow version because it is cool and fits my reworking of a web site!
Any help would be appreciated.
OK I have got this far which is summing the data for each player for each week. What i now need to do is pick the top entry for each week and count it against the player
(from p in FootballPredictions
where p.FootballMatches.WeekNum <= 201101 && p.Points != null
group p by new { p.FootballMatches.WeekNum, p.Player } into g
orderby g.Key.WeekNum, g.Sum(p => p.Points) descending
select new
WeekNum = g.Key.WeekNum,
Player = g.Key.Player,
Points = g.Sum(p => p.Points),
WeekNum Player Points
201033 ranteld 26 <--- 1 point
201033 nicolap 25
201033 Mark 25
201033 1969 cup winners 25
201033 footysi 24
201033 Brendan 22
201033 monty 22
201033 Sandra Phillips 21
201033 SPB 20
201033 John Poulton 20
201033 RobBrown 19
201033 Steve Gardner 17
201033 Nick 16
201033 MikeSpeke 15
201034 Sandra Phillips 32 <--- 1 point
201034 Steve Gardner 27
201034 ranteld 25
201034 John Poulton 23
201034 footysi 23
201034 Mark 17
201034 nicolap 13
201034 Brendan 13
201035 Brendan 34 <--- 1 point
201035 Sandra Phillips 34 <--- 1 point
201035 nicolap 31
201035 1969 cup winners 25
201035 MikeSpeke 24
201035 Steve Gardner 22
201035 Mark 20
201035 ranteld 20
201035 Football Freddie 16
So the real answer from this table is
Player Wins
Sandra Philips 2
Brendan 1
ranteld 1
Hope that clarifies
It was somewhat confusing to see that your query didn't seem to correspond to the data. So instead, this will be based on the data alone. The query should produce valid SQL so you won't have to use LINQ to Objects. You can adapt it to your tables with little modification.
var query = from pred in Predictions
group pred.Points by pred.WeekNum into week
join pred in Predictions
on new { WeekNum = week.Key, Points = week.Max() }
equals new { pred.WeekNum, pred.Points }
group 1 by pred.Player into player
let Wins = player.Count()
orderby Wins descending, player.Key
select new
Player = player.Key,
Instead of:
p.Points != null
This code seems to be what you need:
var result = this.DataList
.GroupBy(data => data.Week)
return data.GroupBy(item => item.Name)
.Select(item => new { Name = item.Key, SumPoints = item.Sum(v => v.Points) })
.OrderBy(item => item.SumPoints)
.ToDictionary(_=>_.Key, _=>_.Count());
mine is quite long
var weeklyTopScore = from eachMatch in FootballPredictions
group eachMatch by eachMatch.week
into weekly
select new {week = weekly.Key, topScore = weekly.Max(match => match.points)};
var playerWins = from eachResult in weeklyTopScore
join entry in FootballPredictions
on eachResult.week equals entry.week
where eachResult.topScore == entry.points
group entry by entry.player
into winner
select new { player = winner.Key, wins = winner.Count() };
var result = from entry in playerWins
group entry by entry.wins
into summary
select new { player = summary.Select(data => data.player).Aggregate((cur, nex) => cur + ", " + nex), wins = summary.Key};
Just pass a datatable to following function (Please note that the code is in c#) //dt should contain column points but not rank column
public static DataTable GetRankedDatatable(DataTable dt)
var rankedDt = (from row in dt.AsEnumerable()
orderby row.Field<string>("points")
select row).CopyToDataTable();
int rank = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rankedDt.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
rankedDt.Rows[i]["rank"] = rank;
if (rankedDt.Rows[i]["points"].ToString() != rankedDt.Rows[i + 1]["points"].ToString())
rankedDt.Rows[rankedDt.Rows.Count - 1]["rank"] = rank;
return rankedDt;