
How do I get a Windows Forms DataGridView to show new records when bound to EntityCollection

Trying to add new records to the EntityCollection at r开发者_如何学Cuntime and have the the DataGridView update with the new information.

I have tried bind the datagridview directly to the entity collection (i.e. ObjectSet) and through a BindingSource that is bound to the same collection.

I have tried DataGridView.Refresh(), DataGridView.EndEdit(), and BindSource.ResetBindings() among other things, but nothing seems to work.

Try that:

bindingSource.DataSource = null;
bindingSource.DataSource = theCollection;

Alternatively, you could maintain a in-memory copy of the data in a BindingList<T>. Bind the DataGridView to the BindingList, and when you add an entity to the ObjectSet, add it to the BindingList too.

I am stuck with same problem. Microsoft should care about the people who use their technology and EF should care about data binding. Jaime, if you find a better way, please update this list. For me, recreating the context instance works fine for me. The funny thing is debugger shows that entity context & binding source has latest updates but datagridview still doesn't refresh. Thanks

Here is the best solution I have found so far -

Basically you need to do

bindingSource.DataSource = EntityContext.Collection

I hope it's not too late =) I have something that works here...

// Entity Data Model
private ManagerEntities context = new ManagerEntities();

// declare private member    
private BindingList<Currency> lstCurrencies = null;

// on form load, load data and bind to DataGridView's DataSource

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

     lstCurrencies = new BindingList<Currency>();

     ObjectResult or = ((ObjectQuery)currencies).Execute(MergeOption.AppendOnly);
     foreach (Currency c in or)

     // dgMain is my DataGridView
     dgMain.DataSource = lstCurrencies;

// this will save objects that have changed. You might want to add logic for newly created and deleted objects.
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {




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