crystal reports 8 - set location dynamically in vb6
I have a VB6 front end, SQL Server 2005 as the back end and Crystal Reports 8.5 for reports.
I need to set the location at run time in my application as I have 2 databases. My problem is that when I change database, b开发者_开发百科ut the location remain the same. It will be great if anyone can help me out. Thanks in advance for your time, and here is my code.
Private Sub prin_Click()
With CrystalReport1
.Connect = MDI1.txtcn --> this is my connection info "driver={sql server};server=server;database=database;uid=user;pwd=password"
.DiscardSavedData = True
.Action = 1
End With
Try some code like this:
Private Sub cmdSetLocations_Click()
Dim CrxApp As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim CrxRep As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim CrxSubRep As CRAXDRT.Report
Dim strReport As String
Dim i As Integer, ii As Integer
strReport = "[Path to report file]"
Set CrxRep = CrxApp.OpenReport(strReport)
SetReportLocation CrxRep
For i = 1 To CrxRep.Sections.Count
For ii = 1 To CrxRep.Sections(i).ReportObjects.Count
If CrxRep.Sections(i).ReportObjects(ii).Kind = crSubreportObject Then
Set CrxSubRep = CrxRep.OpenSubreport(CrxRep.Sections(i).ReportObjects(ii).SubreportName)
SetReportLocation CrxSubRep
End If
Next ii
'open your report in the report viewer
Set CrxApp = Nothing
Set CrxRep = Nothing
Set CrxSubRep = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SetReportLocation(ByRef RepObj As CRAXDRT.Report)
Dim CrxDDF As CRAXDRT.DatabaseTable
Dim CP As CRAXDRT.ConnectionProperties
For Each CrxDDF In RepObj.Database.Tables
Set CP = CrxDDF.ConnectionProperties
CP.Add "Connection String", "[Your connection string goes here]"
Set CrxDDF = Nothing
Set CP = Nothing
End Sub
With CR
.ReportFileName = App.Path + "\Labsen2.rpt"
.SelectionFormula = "{PersonalCalendar.PersonalCalendarDate}>= Date(" & Year(DTPicker1) & "," & Month(DTPicker1) & "," & Day(DTPicker1) & ") and {PersonalCalendar.PersonalCalendarDate}<=date(" & Year(DTPicker2) & "," & Month(DTPicker2) & "," & Day(DTPicker2) & ") and {Department.DepartmentName}= '" & Combo1.Text & "'"
.Formulas(0) = "tglAwal = '" & DTPicker1.Value & "'"
.Formulas(1) = "tglAkhir = '" & DTPicker2.Value & "'"
.Password = Chr(10) & "ithITtECH"
.WindowState = crptMaximized
.Action = 1
End With
Try formatting the connection string like this:
The meanings of DSN
are counter-intuitive, they are overloaded by Crystal.
Also check you have no subreports whose Connect
properties would need to be similarly changed.
Why not pass the recordset to your report? In this way you will be able to get data from any supported (i mean VB6 can connect to) databases dynamically, you can even merge data from multiple databases, your report will require the data(recordset) only and report will be created with Data Field Definition.