
Select maxium 5 li items with jquery

I have a <ul> with a lot of <li> You can see this here:

                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/pon.jpg" alt="开发者_开发百科PON" width="111" height="63" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/spo.png" alt="SPO Utrecht" width="130" height="67" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/campus.jpg" alt="Onderwijs Campus" width="137" height="86" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/cpwb.png" alt="CPWB" width="112" height="99"/></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/expertis.jpg" alt="Expertis" width="120" height="56" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/inos.jpg" alt="Inos" width="211" height="67" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/OSG.jpg" alt="OSG" width="130" height="51" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/pio.png" alt="Pio" width="138" height="92" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/Signum.png" alt="Signum" width="181" height="68" /></li>
                        <li><img src="content/img/logos/vgs.png" alt="VGS" width="192" height="63" /></li>

But no my question. The li items have his own <img> tag. But i want make, that jquery show me 5 li items. How can i make with javascript / jquery. That he show me random 5 of this li items?


randomElements = jQuery("li").get().sort(function(){ 
  return Math.round(Math.random())-0.5

Found in jQuery: select random elements.

As for the question posed by OP in the comments:

var $allLi = $('ul li'), // All
    showRandom = function() {
        $allLi.hide().sort(function() { // Hide all, then sort
            return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5;
        }).slice(0, 5).show(); // Show first five after randomizing

showRandom(); // Do it now ...
setInterval(showRandom, 1500); // ... and every 1.5 sec


When you are able to reference the li's, you'll be able to iterate it's children. Which are the li's. Example:

   $('li').each(function(index) {
    alert(index + ': ' + $(this).text());

In the example above, you can reference to the li's with $(this). What you could do is store them in an array and fetch 5 randomly. You could do this using the Math.random method. Either rebuild the ul li list afterwards or remove the unwanted items with jQuery.

var li = $('ul li');
var len =li.length;

while($('ul li:visible').length > 5) {
    li.eq(parseInt(len * Math.random())).hide();






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