
Choosing a Class Dynamically in Actionscript 3

I have a line of code like this:

var myObj:[SomeClass] = new [SomeClass]();

I want to choose which class this object will belong to randomly at开发者_如何学Go runtime. Is there a way to do this in Actionscript 3?

I don't know how well this would fly in AS3, but in JS, I'd use

var classes = [foo, bar, baz];
var myObj = new_(classes[random() % 3])();

maybe it'd work in AS3 too?

new_ is part of Zeta (http://codex.sigpipe.cz/zeta/docs/reference.rest#new-cls), random() is pulled from thin air.

Here comes Object Oriented Programming:

Declare your variable's type as a common super class's type (or an interface) and extend (or implement) all the possible classes from that super class (or interface).

public class MyType
public class Type1 extends MyType
public class Type2 extends MyType
public class Type3 extends MyType

var something:MyType;
//Now you can do
something = new Type1();
something = new Type2();
something = new Type3();

Here is a sample using interfaces:

public interface MyType
public class Type1 implements MyType
public class Type2 implements MyType
public class Type3 implements MyType

I think you should be able to do something like:

var classes:Array = [Class1, Class2, Class3];
var obj:Obj = new classes[0];

Each class will probably have to implement a shared interface to make it useful. So it would look something like:

var classes:Array = [Class1, Class2, Class3];
var obj:IInterface = (new classes[0]) as IInterface;

I suggest the following if you have several classes: Class1, Class2, Class3 who all extend AbstractItem

var itemClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("com.packagename.Class" + Math.floor(Math.random()*3 +1)) as Class;
var item:AbstractItem = new itemClass();

This is what just somebody's answer would look like in proper AS3 syntax.

var classes:Array = [Foo, Bar, Baz];
var myObj:YourSuperclass = new classes[int(Math.random() * classes.length)];

If the classes do not have a common superclass you can keep myObj untyped.

I don't think there is any direct way to do this. But you can try this thing.

var funcArray:Array = new Array();

public function getObjClass1():Class1 {
  return new Class1();
public function getObjClassN():ClassN {
  return new ClassN();
//add all functions to funcArray array
public function addFunctions():void {

public function getRandomObject():* {
  return funcArray\[Math.floor(Math.Random() * funcArray.length)\]();




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