Software for taking notes on programming [closed]
What type of software is good for taking notes on programming? For example, if I want to jot down different methods/functions that are useful for different things. Ideally, the software would have syntax highlighting.
The software would need to support Mac OS X. I will most probably be using this for Objective-C/iPhone development and Ruby on Rails development.
I want something that can shift between ordinary text and coding syntax. For example if I was to type:
In order to create a rectangle in Objective-C with a name square use: (CGRect *) square...........
I would like the objective-C code to have syntax highlighting but not the rest of the text.
P.S. I use textmate generally for coding.
Try Evernote.
I like notepad 2
For a pc, if you want a fairly simple notepad like app with syntax highlighting, I'd pick TextPad... You can associate syntax files and "customize" as needed. For a mac I'd pick BBEdit...
I usually just use an editor for simple notes. If I'm on Linux, I usually choose gedit. If I'm on something else, Scite is nice. I think it's very specific to what your needs are. Are you looking for a document editor which happens to be able to do syntax highlighting also?
I found that either a mind-mapping tool or a text editor with an outlining support are very suitable for this sort of notes. On OS X I'm using FreeMind, everywhere else - Emacs org mode.