Dynamically create filename in SSRS 2008
I have been asked a couple times to change the file name dynamically in SSRS 2008. Example: ReportName_201101.RDL. The 2011开发者_开发百科01 represents the execution date. Can this be accomplished in SSRS 2008?
If you mean the filename when you export the report and also happen to be pulling it from the ASP.NET ReportViewer, you can set the name through the DisplayName property.
ReportViewerControl.ServerReport.DisplayName = "ReportName_201101";
or (if ProcessingMode
is Local):
ReportViewerControl.LocalReport.DisplayName = "ReportName_201101";
For pretty much all other cases, Alison is right.
There is an MS Connect item open for this. It only has a few votes, so head over there and upvote it...
Another work around, is to rename the report before it runs automatically. This is a diamond in the rough. This may only work for reports that are subscriptions and not ones that users link back to. Create a table on the ReportServer database that contains a listing of all reports that you want to rename before they execute. Table Report_Rename_Listing RenameID int ItemID uniqueidentifier OriginalReportName nvarchar(350) DateType nvarchar(75) Format int DatePlusMinus real Create a stored procedure on the same server that goes out and changes all the reports in the above table.
Create Procedure [dbo].[RenameReports]
Update dbo.Catalog
Set Name = ISNULL(( Select OriginalReportName + '_' +
dbo.func_SetupRenameOfReports(DateType, Format, DatePlusMinus)
From dbo.DDC_Report_Rename r
Where r.ItemID = c.ItemID), Name)
From dbo.Catalog c
return (0)
Create a scalar function on same server that figures out just how you want to rename the report.
Create Function [dbo].[func_SetupRenameOfReports]
( @DateType nvarchar(75), @Format int, @PlusMinus real )
RETURNS nvarchar(75)
Declare @FirstMonth datetime, @LastMonth datetime
Declare @OutputFormat nvarchar(75)
Set @FirstMonth = CONVERT(datetime, Convert(varchar(2), DateAdd(mm, @PlusMinus, GetDate()), 103) + '/1/' + CONVERT(varchar(4), DateAdd(mm, @PlusMinus, GetDate()), 102))
Set @LastMonth = DATEADD(dd, -1, DateAdd(mm, 1, @FirstMonth))
Set @OutputFormat =
Case When @DateType = 'CurrentDate' Then Convert(varchar(75), DateAdd(dd, @PlusMinus, GetDate()), @Format)
When @DateType = 'CurrentDayName' Then CONVERT(varchar(75), DateName(dw, DateAdd(dd, @PlusMinus, GetDate())))
When @DateType = 'CurrentMonthName' Then CONVERT(varchar(75), DateName(mm, DateAdd(mm, @PlusMinus, GetDate())))
When @DateType = 'CurrentYear' Then CONVERT(varchar(75), DateAdd(yy, @PlusMinus, GetDate()))
When @DateType = 'CurrentBeginEndMonth' Then CONVERT(varchar(10), @FirstMonth, @Format) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @LastMonth, @Format)
If @OutputFormat IS null
Set @OutputFormat = ''
Return @OutputFormat
Then setup this up to have the stored procedure automatically run daily on your server. I have it run just after midnight every day.
Unfortunately, no, it is not possible. It is another one of those features that is missing from SSRS that developers have been asking for.
Here is a correction to the above stored procedure so that it actual works.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ddc_RenameReports]
Update dbo.Catalog
Set Name = ISNULL((Select OriginalReportName + '_' +
dbo.func_SetupRenameOfReports(DateType, Format, DatePlusMinus)
From dbo.DDC_Report_Rename r
Where r.ItemID = c.ItemID And r.Active = 1), Name)
From dbo.Catalog c
Update c
Set c.Path = ISNULL((Select c2.Path + '/' + OriginalReportName + '_' +
dbo.func_SetupRenameOfReports(DateType, Format, DatePlusMinus)
From dbo.DDC_Report_Rename r2
Where r2.ItemID = c.ItemID AND r2.Active = 1), c.Path)
From dbo.Catalog c
inner join dbo.Catalog c2 on c2.ItemID = c.ParentID
return (0)