
how can I remove the list of language setting in the source level of android?

There are many languages list for countries in the setting menu -> language & keyborad -> Select language....

so I just want to remove some list it means the device will show 5 language list. for example English, china, japan, korean, france.

but I could not find the profer source code out to remove lists. this class LocalePicker. I thought the languages is being read from getAssets().getLocales(); by assetManager.

please let me know the solution how do i remove them. via开发者_运维百科 my email sence4u@hanmail.net.

thank you.

current setting for language ~~~

language/country/timezone etc.

/data/property dir persist.sys.timezone persist.sys.language persist.sys.country

vender/!company/!project/ init.rc

for default langudage

setprop persist.sys.language ko setprop persist.sys.country KR setprop persist.sys.timezone Asia/Seoul

I'm not sure if this is relevant to anyone else but depending on which languages support file your device's makefile includes, you will need to modify the file that contains a list of Locales supported. This file will be found at /build/target/products/languages_xxx.mk





验证码 换一张
取 消

