
In search of a lightweight pdf viewer

I am looking for a lightweight pdf viewer ( commercial / free) for my windows application. I presently display the pdf documents on a webbrowser with Adobe Reader Plug-ins.

Background :

The problem i am having with Adobe Reader is the Loading time. To display a pdf document for the very first time, Adobe Reader nearly takes 15 seconds !! .The application when deployed on customer locations (usually run on Windows Embedded OS) the pdf viewing time is still worse, sometimes takes more than a minute.

Hence i need to find an alternative for Adobe Reader.

My simple requirements are :

  1. Lightweight - viewer should initialise itself and load the pdf as fast as possible.

  2. SVG support.

If anyone has any idea regarding such a tool. Kindly let me know

Regards Srivat开发者_JS百科sa

Try : Foxit PDF SDK

Try SumatraPDF (Download full kit for MOZ plugin npPDFViewer.dll sorry there is NO IE.OCX)

For a minimal install use with the portable executable in same directory and you can call via DDE or command line

I think best light weight option for Windows is MuPDF for those who would rather not use any plugin in the Chrome.






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