Why is the average number of steps for finding an item in an array N/2?
Could some开发者_如何学编程body explain why the average number of steps for finding an item in an unsorted array data-structure is N/2?
This really depends what you know about the numbers in the array. If they're all drawn from a distribution where all the probability mass is on a single value, then on expectation it will take you exactly 1 step to find the value you're looking for, since every value is the same, for example.
Let's now make a pretty strong assumption, that the array is filled with a random permutation of distinct values. You can think of this as picking some arbitrary sorted list of distinct elements and then randomly permuting it. In this case, suppose you're searching for some element in the array that actually exists (this proof breaks down if the element is not present). Then the number of steps you need to take is given by X, where X is the position of the element in the array. The average number of steps is then E[X], which is given by
E[X] = 1 Pr[X = 1] + 2 Pr[X = 2] + ... + n Pr[X = n]
Since we're assuming all the elements are drawn from a random permutation,
Pr[X = 1] = Pr[X = 2] = ... = Pr[X = n] = 1/n
So this expression is given by
E[X] = sum (i = 1 to n) i / n = (1 / n) sum (i = 1 to n) i = (1 / n) (n)(n + 1) / 2
= (n + 1) / 2
Which, I think, is the answer you're looking for.
The question as stated is just wrong. Linear search may perform better.
Perhaps a simpler example that shows why the average is N/2 is this:
Assume you have an unsorted array of 10 items: [5, 0, 9, 8, 1, 2, 7, 3, 4, 6]
. This is all the digits [0..9]
Since the array is unsorted (i.e. you know nothing about the order of the items), the only way you can find a particular item in the array is by doing a linear search: start at the first item and go until you find what you're looking for, or you reach the end.
So let's count how many operations it takes to find each item. Finding the first item (5) takes only one operation. Finding the second item (0) takes two. Finding the last item (6) takes 10 operations. The total number of operations required to find all 10 items is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10, or 55. The average is 55/10, or 5.5.
The "linear search takes, on average, N/2 steps" conventional wisdom makes a number of assumptions. The two biggest are:
The item you're looking for is in the array. If an item isn't in the array, then it takes N steps to determine that. So if you're often looking for items that aren't there, then your average number of steps per search is going to be much higher than N/2.
On average, each item is searched for approximately as often as any other item. That is, you search for "6" as often as you search for "0", etc. If some items are looked up significantly more often than others, then the average number of steps per search is going to be skewed in favor of the items that are searched for more frequently. The number will be higher or lower than N/2, depending on the positions of the most frequently looked-up items.
While I think templatetypedef has the most instructive answer, in this case there is a much simpler one.
Consider permutations of the set {x1, x2, ..., xn} where n = 2m. Now take some element xi you wish to locate. For each permutation where xi occurs at index m - k, there is a corresponding mirror image permutation where xi occurs at index m + k. The mean of these possible indices is just [(m - k) + (m + k)]/2 = m = n/2. Therefore the mean of all all possible permutations of the set is n/2.
Consider a simple reformulation of the question:
What would be the limit of
lim (i->inf) of (sum(from 1 to i of random(n)) /i)
Or in C:
int sum = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < LARGE_NUM; i++) sum += random(n);
sum /= LARGE_NUM;
If we assume that our random
have even distribution of values (each value from 1
to n
is equally likely to be produced), then the expected result would be (1+n)/2