
Does Vim have indentation guides, Notepad++-style?

In Notepad+开发者_JAVA技巧+, there is a dotted line that runs down from the function keyword through the end of the method. It looks like this:

Does Vim have indentation guides, Notepad++-style?

Does Vim support something similar?

You can take a look at "Indent Guides : A plugin for visually displaying indent levels in gvim" here http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3361

Screenshots: http://nathanaelkane.imgur.com/indent_guides

Not that I know, but you can :set cursorcolumn to highlight all characters on the same column as your cursor.

To go to the beginning of a function or a scoped block, you can hit [m or [{, respectively. Then % will jump to the other end of the block.

You can also just use tabs for indentation and display them visually with the line

"There is an invisible space at the end of the line.
"This space is required.
set list lcs=tab:\|\ 

The plus side of this method is, that you can easily tell tabs and spaces apart.

Personally, I prefer using the unicode center dot character (set list lcs=tab:\·\) instead of the pipe symbol, but the pipe symbol is closer to the Notepad++ optic.

It is possible to emulate something like that using match-highlighting. I have explained the technique in detail in my answer to another question regarding indentation guides.





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