
Which help authoring tool is better - Robohelp or MadCap Flare?

We need a help publishing tool that can generate web files as its main output and can publish to other formats as well. Both tools cost US$ 999.99, and MadCap Flare marketing is very aggressive.

The application for which the help is being developed has a Flex front-end and I really liked the output format of Robohelp, as well as its interface. I could write articles in no time and I was able to paste screenshots on it, which is a big deal if you have to write a lot of documents. Flare doesn't let me paste screenshots, there is a capture add-on for 40 bucks but I really dislike the fact that they omitted the capability of letting 开发者_开发技巧you paste pics in a help page in favor of their in-house feature.

I was unable to view the generated help from MadCap in IE, it needed an add-on that I was "unable to enable".

I have read a lot of articles that praise Flare over Robohelp, but my impression is that Robohelp is a better tool for our needs.

Any opinions about which tool is the best for this job? US$ 999 is not a big deal and therefore free tools are not better just because they are free.

I don't want to bash any products, but in my opinion, robohelp is dated. Flare is a better choice if you need a full-time help authoring tool and are prepared for a steeper learning curve. If you want something with sufficient features and intuitively easy to use, then I would recommend HelpNDoc or Help&Manual. Both are similar and much cheaper than robohelp or flare.





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