Add cell to an Array using data from a UIPickerView?
I have a UIPickerView with three components, and each component has NSIntegerMax for the numbers. So, I just need to get the data from each component, and send it to another ViewController called, CreationViewController. The three objects I need to send are strings, set up like so:
NSInteger supplyData = [supplypick sel开发者_StackOverflow社区ectedRowInComponent:0];
NSInteger mineralData = [supplypick selectedRowInComponent:1];
NSInteger vespeneData = [supplypick selectedRowInComponent:2];
So, I would like to add each cell in the format of this log:
NSLog(@"%i %@ M:%i G:%i", supplyData, namer.text, mineralData, vespeneData);
All I need to know it what to put...
NSMutableArray * array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[array addObject: ];
This is all in one function. Please help! Thanks!
[array addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i %@ M:%i G:%i", supplyData, namer.text, mineralData, vespeneData]];