
Ninject into WCF REST Service

I'm using the WCF REST Template where services are implemented with just a class and registered in the Global.ascx (much like MVC controllers are).

RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("Games/Games", new WebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(Games.Games)));

Games.Games has a ctor accepting a Dal.Games.IGames and I have a NinjectModule with the 开发者_StackOverflow社区Bindings ready but I cant for the life of me figure out where to pass the kernel to to have it control the creation of the service classes.

My services dont have a markup (svc) file so I'm guessing that it will have something do with replacing the WebServiceHostFactory with one from Ninject. I was able to find one in the Ninject Web extension but just dropping that in didnt change anything not to mention I coulnt find anywhere to setup the kenel in that class.

Any solutions, hints or tips are greatly appreciated.

Let me preface this by saying, someone who actually knows inner workings of Ninject could probably provide a much cleaner solution. I've been wrestling with the same issue as you mentioned though.

Mostly through trial & error I determined that if you make the following code changes in the Ninject.Extensions.Wcf library, Ninject will work its magic on your service classes.

In NinjectServiceHostFactory.cs, i changed the base class and the type passed to .Get<T>

public class NinjectServiceHostFactory : WebServiceHostFactory //<-- Changed base class
    protected override ServiceHost CreateServiceHost( Type serviceType, Uri[] baseAddresses )
        var serviceTypeParameter = new ConstructorArgument( "serviceType", serviceType );
        var baseAddressesParameter = new ConstructorArgument( "baseAddresses", baseAddresses );
        return KernelContainer.Kernel.Get<NinjectServiceHost>( serviceTypeParameter, baseAddressesParameter );

In the NinjectServiceHost.cs i changed the base class to WebServiceHost.

Also, I added this reference to both:

using System.ServiceModel.Web;

I'm sure this solution breaks this extension for other WCF service types so hopefully a Ninject guru will come along and provide a real solution.





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