What are good services for checking the external IP of a machine? [closed]
I'm working with an API that requires the machine's external IP. I have come understand that I can't do this without relying on an external server.
I've used whatismyip.com in the past:
wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp
What are some other services for checking the external IP of a machine? Since I'm concerned about a single point of failure, I'd like to have a few options to which I can fail over.
curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.org | sed 's/[a-zA-Z/<> :]//g'
Now, I didn't write that myself, just doing some research for you.
wget -O -q icanhazip.com
http://api.externalip.net/ip works fine for me, great uptime and fast. no reg exp needed
- http://www.showmemyip.com
- http://www.whatismy.com
- http://showip.codebrainz.ca/ (details)