Populate object with multidimensional menu
I'm wondering if there is an effective way to put a me开发者_如何学Gonu into an array or any other data type. With php I would do something like this:
$menu[1] = "home";
$menu[2] = "news";
$menu[3]["item"] = "products";
$menu[3]["subMenu"][1] = "jackets";
$menu[3]["subMenu"][2] = "T-shirts";
$menu[4] = "contact";
However I have no clue how one would do this in coldfusion. I want to grab this data from the DB and push it into an object, this will allow me to generate the html from the array.
To take Ciaran's answer a step farther, you can do it completely with object literals in CF 9:
<cfset menu = ["home",
"subMenu"= ["jackets",
<cfdump var="#menu#" /> <!--- Output --->
It's actually very similar. This presumes ColdFusion 8 (or higher) for array ([]
) and struct ({}
) literals:
<cfset menu = [] /> <!--- Create initial array --->
<cfset menu[1] = "home" />
<cfset menu[2] = "news" />
<cfset menu[3] = {} /> <!--- Create structure --->
<cfset menu[3]["item"] = "products" /> <!--- Address structure by key --->
<cfset menu[3]["subMenu"] = [] />
<cfset menu[3]["subMenu"][1] = "jackets" />
<cfset menu[3]["subMenu"][2] = "T-shirts" />
<cfset menu[4] = "contact" />
<cfdump var="#menu#" /> <!--- Output --->
Hope that helps!