
MSBuild targets to run all tests, even if some fail

I have an MSBuild script that runs NUnit开发者_C百科 unit tests, using the console runner. There are multiple tests projects and I'd like to keep them as separate MSBuild targets, if possible. If the tests fail I want to overall build to fail. However, I want to continue running all the tests, even if some of them fail.

If I set ContinueOnError="true" then the build succeeds regardless of test outcomes. If I leave it at false then the build stops after the first test project that fails.

One way to do this would be to set the ContinueOnError="true" for the NUnit tasks but grab the exit code of the from the NUnit process. If the exit code is ever != to 0 create a new property that you can use later on in the script to fail the build.


<Project DefaultTargets="Test"
    <UnitTests Include="test1">
    <UnitTests Include="test2">
    <UnitTests Include="test3">
    <UnitTests Include="test4">
    <UnitTests Include="test5">

  <Target Name="Test" DependsOnTargets="RunTests">
    <!--Fail the build.  This runs after the RunTests target has completed-->
    <!--If condition passes it will out put the test assemblies that failed-->
    <Error Condition="$(FailBuild) == 'True'"
           Text="Tests that failed: @(FailedTests) "/>

  <Target Name="RunTests" Inputs="@(UnitTests)" Outputs="%(UnitTests.identity)">
    <!--Call NUnit here-->
    <Exec Command="if %(UnitTests.Error) == true exit 1" ContinueOnError="true">
      <!--Grab the exit code of the NUnit process-->
      <Output TaskParameter="exitcode" PropertyName="ExitCode" />

    <!--Just a test message-->
    <Message Text="%(UnitTests.identity)'s exit code: $(ExitCode)"/>

      <!--Create the FailedBuild property if ExitCode != 0 and set it to True-->
      <!--This will be used later on to fail the build-->
      <FailBuild Condition="$(ExitCode) != 0">True</FailBuild>

      <!--Keep a running list of the test assemblies that have failed-->
      <FailedTests Condition="$(ExitCode) != 0"
                   Include="%(UnitTests.identity)" />





验证码 换一张
取 消

