
Disabling dropdownlist inside a gridview based on value selected on another dropdownlist inside the gridview

I have two dropdown lists inside the gridview, namely ddonsiteoffsite and ddhours. Now what I want is if the selectedtext of ddonsiteoffsite is "onsite" the ddhours should be disabled. I tried the following code snippet, but it's not disabling the ddhours.

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="      OnSite/OffSite" >   
             开发者_如何学C   <ItemTemplate>   
                     <asp:DropDownList ID="ddOnsiteOffside" runat="server" onchange="ToggleOnOff(this)"><asp:ListItem Text = "Offsite" Value="Offsite"></asp:ListItem>        
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "Onsite" Value="Onsite"></asp:ListItem> 
                    <asp:DropDownList ID="ddhours" runat="server">   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "1" Value="1" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "2" Value="2" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "3" Value="3" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "4" Value="4" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "5" Value="5" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "6" Value="6" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "7" Value="7" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "8" Value="8" ></asp:ListItem>   
                        <asp:ListItem Text = "9" Value="9" ></asp:ListItem>   

and the corresponding JavaScript I am using is:

function ToggleOnOff(ddonoff)    

     var row = chk.parentNode.parentNode;              
          row.getElementsByTagName("ddhours")[0].disabled = true;                   
          row.getElementsByTagName("ddhours")[0].disabled = false;                    

How can I achieve this using JavaScript or jQuery? I'm not understanding where I went wrong.

Just do this.

function ToggleOnOff(ddonoff) {
        .parent()// parent of ddl is td
        .next()// gives the next td 
        .find('select')// finds a select element in that td
        .attr('disabled', (ddonoff.value == "Onsite") ? 'disabled' : '');//enable-disable


function ToggleOnOff(ddonoff) {
        .find('select[id*="ddhours"]')//select by id
        .attr('disabled', (ddonoff.value == "Onsite") ? 'disabled' : '');//disable-enable

Method 2 works even if the two columns are not next to each other.

Dependency: jQuery

If you are having more than one element with the same id then it will be an invalid HTML document. Remove the ids and give it a name.

Something like this

    var parent = $(this).closest("tr");
    var hoursSelectBox = parent.find("select[name='hoursName']");
    if (hoursSelectBox.val() === "Onsite") {
        hoursSelectBox.attr("disabled", true);

In your code you are using row.getElementsByTagName("ddhours"). This will fetch all the elements with the tag name `ddhours' which will not be correct in this case.





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