Intercept click event on a button, ask for confirmation, then proceed
Based on a variable SomeCondition
, I need to intercept a click event on a button, and ask for confirmation, if they say ok, proceed, otherwise ignore click.
So something like:
if(SomeCondition) {
// disable click on button
var isOk = window.confirm("Are you sure?");
if(isOk) {
Note: 开发者_开发技巧button1 has already been wired up with a click event via javascript from an external .js file that I can't change.
I don't know what the click event was bound too, so I have to disable the click if SomeCondition is true, then ask for confirmation, then continue with the click.
Process isOK your window.confirm within the function of the button
if(window.confirm("Are you sure?"))
alert('Your action here');
The issue you're going to have is the click has already happened when you trigger your "Are You Sure" Calling preventDefault doesn't stop the execution of the original click if it's the one that launched your original window.confirm.
Bit of a chicken/egg problem.
Edit: after reading your edited question:
var myClick = null;
//get a list of jQuery handlers bound to the click event
var jQueryHandlers = $('#button1').data('events').click;
//grab the first jquery function bound to this event
$.each(jQueryHandlers,function(i,f) {
myClick = f.handler;
return false;
//unbind the original
//bind the modified one
if(window.confirm("Are You Sure?")){
} else {
return false;
With jQuery to prevent default you just return false
$("#button1").click(function () {
//do your thing
return false;
To anyone who is looking for a simple solution (not particular to the special condition mentioned here)
Just add this attribute to the button:
.... , onclick = "return confirm('are you sure?')"
When the confirmation box returns a false, the click event gets cancelled. Note: The onclick handler explicitly mentioned inline will override any other bindings.
I could not get any of the answers above to work using jquery 1.9.1
here is what worked for a previously set click
var elem = $('#button1');
var oldClick = $._data(elem[0], 'events').click[0].handler;'click');
// Pass the original event object.{
if(window.confirm("Are You Sure?")){
} else {
return false;
very similar to Jason Benson's answer above