How to count number of XML nodes that contain specific value
I am looking for how to count the nodes in an XML file that contain a value of "No" as well as the total number of elements.
I have the element count working fine, but I am not sure of the logic to look inside the XML for a value to count.
To get the total count I am using:
XmlDocument readDoc = new XmlDocument();
int count = readDoc.SelectNodes("root/User").Count;
lblResults.Text = count.ToString();
Below is my XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
XmlDocument readDoc = new XmlDocument();
int count = readDoc.SelectNodes("root/User").Count;
lblResults.Text = count.ToString();
int NoCount = readDoc.SelectNodes("JSEnabled[. = \"No\"]").Count;
Good reference here:
I am looking for how to count the nodes in an XML file that contain a value of "No"
In XPath:
count(/root/User[JSEnabled = 'No'])
as well as the total number of elements.
That you already have it:
Or use the expression for selecting the nodes and any DOM method to count Node Set Result members.