list out the main process in Scrum? [closed]
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Closed 3 years ago.
Improve this questionScrum is one methodology in agile software development right? What are the main activities in Scrum?
I hope this will help. Nains...
Scrum is indeed an agile software development methodology.
It's more then a set of activities - there are a set of core assumptions and ideas that underlie the activities. Nains' answer contains a cheat sheet explaining very briefly the important concepts.
To answer your question in the most basic sense.
- Gather user stories
- Determine priority within these stories, chop them up in small, manageable tasks.
- Code-code-code
- Every day: short meeting where team members explain their progress, what they're working on, and where they get stuck on.
- Every two weeks (or week, or month... depends on your project): deliver a working copy of what you have.
- Return to step 1.
One such loop is called a Sprint. The essential step is that you begin by revisiting your assumptions what the software needs to do - the user stories, and their priorities. Also note that this is a short cycle, within a very short period of time, the users get feedback.
Note that there is a lot more to be said about Scrum - if you want more details, I recommend a good book, or at the very least reading the Wikipedia article.