php ORM - RedBean in production?
I would like to know how many of you are using RedBean ORM in your php p开发者_如何学Goroduction sites and what is your experience with it (reliability, speed, problems (if any),...)?
Thank You.
I wrote RedBean because I was dissappointed in Doctrine. I have used both Propel and Doctrine but I felt unproductive.
We use RedBean for several projects and it performs well. Actually RedBean is not a really 'fat' orm layer, so it's quite easy to optimize (almost all SQL is stored in one class; the query writer). It does not have a query parser, a customized SQL language or a query builder. If you want to improve performance even more you can decide to use plain SQL instead and use the convertToBeans-option afterwards.
Heej, I am using it in an website I am working on. I have integrated it with CodeIgniter and it works perfect. I haven't anything I couldn't do with it.