How to get the radiobutton for corresponding datalisty item?
I want to convert this code to JavaScript code:
rdb1 = (RadioButton)DataList1.Items[i].FindControl("rdb1");
How can it be done?
Put a unique class on the radio button and then you can easily use jQuery to walk the DOM and find that control.
Here is an example of finding a control here on Stack Overflow.
Here is a tutorial of How to Get Anything You Want from a web page via jQuery.
Good luck, and hope this helps.
In JavaScript using the id attribute makes it easy to retreive a specific element since the id must be unique for all tags
var radio1= document.getElementById("rdb1"); //this returns the element
Here is a simple tutorial on how to do other things after getting the element.
EDIT- I see you just want the selected value in javascript:
function radiochanged(){
var radio1= document.getElementById("rdb1");
var rdb1_value;
for (i=0;i<radio1.length;i++)
if (radio1[i].checked)
rdb1_value = radio1[i].value;
<input id="rdb1" type="radio" onClick="radiochanged()">