php function parameters
How to write a php function in order to pass parameters like this
If your format is URL encoded you can use parse_str to get the variables in your functions scope:
function student($args)
echo $name;
echo $roll;
Although, if this string is the scripts URL parameters you can just use the $_GET global variable.
Pass parameters like this:
student($parameter1, $parameter2){
//do stuff
return $something;
call function like this:
student($_GET['name'], $_GET['roll']);
Use parse_str.
function foo($paraString){
$expressions = explode('&',$paraString);
$args = array();
foreach($expressions as $exoression){
$kvPair = explode('=',$exoression);
if(count($kvPair !=2))throw new Exception("format exception....");
$args[$kvPair[0]] = $kvPair[1];
Edit: that wayyou can do it manually. If you just want to get something out of a querrystring there are already functions to get the job done