Selecting random photos from featured album, PHP
I am adding four random photos from a featured photo album to the front page of a site in the form of a jQuery photo slider. Since all of the images must be the same size, I select only horizontal photos, shuffle them, and then trim that down to 4. Here is the code I am using. My question - is there a simpler, perhaps more efficient way to do this? Or is my method fairly sound?
$getImages = $gallery_db->query("SELECT * FROM images WHERE album = '5'"); //sample SQL
$imagesArr = array();
while ($image = $getImages->fetch()) {
$path = "" .
$image['album'] . "/" . $image['filename'] . ".jpg"; //All files are .jpg
list ($width, $height) = getimagesize($path);
i开发者_高级运维f ($width > $height) {
$imagesArr[] = $path;
array_splice($imagesArr, 4)
and then, to output:
foreach ($imagesArr as $path) {
echo "<img src=\"$path\" width=\"220\" height=\"110\"/><br/>\n";
Your solution looks just fine, it's pretty simple and straight forward. But remember, premature optimization is the root of all evil :)
A improvement would be to store the dimensions of each image in your database, so that you can fetch all images of a certain size and just take 4 random images.