URL conventions for Maps on Windows Phone 7
What is the best practice for opening a map from the mobile internet explorer on windows phone 7? On BlackBerry you use a JavaScript method and on Android/iOS you simply link to a google maps URL.
I am planning to integrate the different ways of opening maps into my mobile geo javascript library and don't have a windows phone device.
Thanks, Stan Wiechers
Use the maps: protocol for WP7. I haven't found any documentation but this works.
<a href="maps:Vancouver V5L 4G1"></a>
<a href="maps:49.275267 -122.988617"></a>
There currently isn't a built in way to link to the maps application from within a webpage on a device (or emulator). (Nor is it possible from other apps either.)
I'd recommend linking directly to a mobile Bing page. Such as the following which searches / shows a map for "London":