
heroku db:push error uninitialized constant Sequel::Postgres::PGError [closed]

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I have a problem running the heroku db:pull and db:push commands. My app is running Rails 3 on the bamboo-ree-1.8.7 stack. I am new to Sequel and am not sure what the script is complaining about.

$heroku db:push

Loaded Taps v0.3.14

Auto-detected local database: postgres://xxx@

Warning: Data in the app 'profreelas' will be overwritten and will not be recoverable.

Failed to connect to database: NameError -> uninitialized constant Sequel::Postgres::PGError

Additional info:

My taps, sequel, and heroku gems are up to date

I am running the pg db adapter gem

Running postgresql in my local machine

Do you have a pg.rb or postgres.rb file somewhere in your ruby path? Because that could cause the error, as requiring pg or postgres will load your file instead of the pg or postgres library.





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