Adding embdeded webpage to a tableview?
I want to embed a webpage so it displays on this pasge
Could this be done?
This is the code for the Table View as I'm using Three20
[TTTableTextItem itemWithText:@"Item1" URL:@"tt://countrylauncher"],
[TTTableTextItem itemWithText:@"Item2" URL:@""],
[TTTableTextItem itemWithText:@"Item3" URL:@""],
[TTTableTextItem itemWithText:@"Item4" URL:@"http://开发者_Python百科"],
Add a UIWebview as the
tableView`'s footer view.
as coneybeare wrote you can set a section footer or create a custom cell. Then you can create your view in IB or create it programmatically just like you need it. (There are some tutorials around the web how to create a custom cell)