
Irvine32 and MASM

I would like some help in adding Irvine32 inc/lib support to my asm programs. I added the inc/lib to their folders and added include Irvine32.inc includeLib Irvine32.lib But I get errors when linking with Irvine32.lib.

Is there开发者_StackOverflow中文版 is a place where I can download an all-in-one package that has the lib working.


if you use masm32 program put the Irvine32.inc into masm32\include folder and Irvine32.lib in masm32\lib folder. In source file asm write

includelib   \masm32\lib\Irvine32.lib
include      \masm32\include\Irvine32.inc

I successed when i was reading this book!

The library you mention is used with Kip Irvine's book, "Assembly Language for x86 Processors". It's currently in its' sixth edition and I am finding it to be a great intro to assembly.

In the early chapters (chapter 3, I believe), he goes over the include process. It states where to put files, etc. and may be of some help to you (I'd document it here, but it's a little involved).



There is a demo project that comes with the examples for the book, you can use that project as a basis for your project. You should also check your linker settings, and make sure the paths to Irvine32 libraries are included in the additional library dependencies property. I had that issue once and just created a template project using the default project that is shipped Kip's book.

Visit my blog Setting up vs10 for programming with masm32 for details on how to add libraries to a masm32 project.





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