how do i add text to image in c# or
I'm an average Visual Studio programmer. I need a function or routine to add text to the button of an image not on it like I showed in the开发者_高级运维 image
Ideas please.
- Am programming with visual studio 2008, on winxp.
- The application is a console app.
- it will run on win2000 upwards
- i will save the result image after adding text to file
Create a bitmap with the new size you want
Copy the original image at the top of the new bitmap
Write the text you want onto the new bitmap
Something like this: (untested)
var bmp = Bitmap.FromFile("orig.jpg");
var newImage = new Bitmap(bmp.Width, bmp.Height + 50);
var gr = Graphics.FromImage(newImage);
gr.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, 0, 0);
gr.DrawString("this is the added text", SystemFonts.DefaultFont, Brushes.Black ,
new RectangleF(0, bmp.Height, bmp.Width, 50));