How can I do this with a loop so I dont have to do it manually for array data[]
How can I do this as a loop, so I don't have to do it manually for each element of the array?
$handle = fopen("$filename", "r");
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 5000, ",")) !== FALSE)
$data[0] = mysql_escape_string($data[0]); /// customer id
$data[1] = mysql_escape_string($data[1]); /// first name
$data[2] = mysql_escape_string($data[2]); /// last name
$data[3] = mysql_escape_string($data[3]); /// email
$data[4] = mysql_escape_string($data[4]); /// phone
$data[5] = mysql_escape_string($data[5]); /// mobile
$data[6] = mysql_escape_string($data[6]); /// website
$data[7] = mysql_escape_string($data[7]); /// DOB
$data[8] = mysql_escape_string($data[8]); /// spouse first name
$data[9] = mysql_escape_string($data[9]); /// spouse last name
$data[10] = mysql_escape_string($data[10]); /// spouse cell
$data[11] = mysql_escape_string($data[11]); /// spouse email
$data[12] = mysql_escape_string($data[12]); //// created by
$data[13] = mysql_escape_string($data[13]); //// created on
something like:-
put this in your while loop
for ($i=0; $i< $count; $i++)
$data[$i] = mysql_escape_string($data[$i]);
array_map, array_walk, or foreach. put one (and only one!) these inside while loop
$dataSafe = array_map('mysql_escape_string', $data);
array_walk($data, function(&$x) {$x = mysql_escape_string($x);});
Note that array_map is like map in the FP sense, it returns a new array and you must assign. array_walk can alter your array in place when &
is used
foreach(&$data as $x)
$x = mysql_escape_string($x)
PS - mysql_real_escape_string
is preferred
Alternatively you can put this in your while loop:
$data = array_map("mysql_escape_string", $data);
I haven't tested it but it may be faster.
edit: Added "$data = " - as jon_darkstar pointed out array_map does not change the array provided as a parameter, you need to assign it.