Trying to parse out the $_POST key names that I don't want
$post_keys = array_keys($_POST);
$special_keys = array();
if(strpos($post_keys[$i], "special") !== false){
$special_keys[] = $post_keys[$i];
I have numerous post vars with naming conventions such as special0, special0_time, special0_duration, special1, special1_time etc.... What I want to do is to find out how many main groups there are, so special0, special1 etc... The code I currently have searches all key names that have "special" in it, thus retrieving more than I want.
PHP already builds an array for parameters that uses the array like syntax (e.g. arg[]
). See How do I create arrays in a HTML <form>
Gumbo is correct, however if you still need to perform such a task, regex can help:
if(preg_match('/^(?<key>special[0-9]+)_/ix', $post_keys[$i], $match)){
$special_keys[] = $match['key'];
After which you can run array_unique()
on $special_keys
to get an array of groups.
For easier maintenance try this structure:
$_POST = array(
'special' => array(
array('time'=>, 'duration'=>, ''=>),
array('time'=>, 'duration'=>, ''=>),
array('time'=>, 'duration'=>, ''=>),
Then you can do stuff like count($_POST['special']) and $_POST['special'][1]['time']