
Load XIB from Custom Bundle via Static Library

I want to load a XIB from a CFBundle, via some code in a Static Library.


MyViewController * foo = [[Static Library] instance] getMyViewController];

So I have a MyViewController .xib in a CFBundle I manually create, in it's Resources dir.

But if I try to load it via [[MyViewCo开发者_如何学编程ntroller alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:MyBundlePointer] in getMyViewController I get NSInternalInconsistencyException.

Any idea? I am more or less stumped on this one. Not sure it is even possible to do this.

I'm currently having exactly the same issue with Monotouch and that's why I found your question. I get the very same exception as you do. This makes me assume that I'm not facing a Monotouch issue but a basic (mis)behavior of XIBs/Cocoatouch.

So the answer is: no, it is not possible. Very sad though.


this may not be your specific issue, but it is potentially an issue:

CFBundle is not toll-free-bridged with NSBundle. since you used the term CFBundle in your description, i am wondering if you're passing a CFBundle, rather than an NSBundle.

these are two distinct types and you'll need to explicitly create an NSBundle instance because you can't just cast a CFBundleRef as a NSBundle as you can with CF/NS-String, Array, Data, etc.





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