
ios4 photo library path on simulator

I have an app need to load photos from simulator photo library. After I upgrade ios4, the photo library is empty. So I have to add the photos manually. Bu开发者_开发知识库t I can not get the path relates to the photo library on simulator.

Is there anyone know this?

Welcome any comment



you can open a webpage and hold down your mouse to save it

the path in which all the photos saved is:

/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Media

4.1 or which sdk you are using

//EDIT: I tested it with the first option and it saves all the pictures in DCIM/100APPLE/ but it also create the folder PhotoData/100APPLE/ where for each picture a .BTH and .THM is saved.
So the easiest way is to drag and drop a image on the simulator. The Simulator will open a webpage to your local file ("file://…") and then you can save it but holding your mouse key for 3 seconds or so.
Then click "save image" and it should appear in your Photo Library.

I find this free app very useful to batch import pictures into the simulator:


If it doesn't work straight away, follow the Reset Content instructions (warning - this will completely reset all apps and data on the simulator), and as long as you have a photo in the Photos app before you do it, it does work well.





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