command line arguments in bash to Rscript
I have a bash script that creates a csv file and an R file that creates graphs from that.
At the end of the bash script I call Rscript Graphs.R 10
The response I get is as follows:
Error in is.vector(X) : subscript out of bounds
Calls: print ... <Anonymous> -> lapply -> FUN -> lapply -> is.vector
Execution halted
The first few lines of my Graphs.R are:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
CorrAns = args[1]
No idea what I am doing wrong? The advice on the net appears to me to say that this should work. Its very hard to make sense of commandArgs
With the following in args.R
and the following in
Rscript args.R 10
I get the following output from bash
[1] "10"
and no error. If necessary, convert to a numberic type using as.numeric(commandArgs(TRUE)[1])
Just a guess, perhaps you need to convert CorrAns
from character to numeric, since Value section of ?CommandArgs
A character vector containing the name of the executable and the user-supplied command line arguments.
UPDATE: It could be as easy as:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
(CorrAns = args[1])
(CorrAns = as.numeric(args[1]))
Reading the docs, it seems you might need to remove the TRUE
from the call to commandArgs()
as you don't call the script with --args
. Either that, or you need to call Rscript Graphs.R --args 10
commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
logical. Should only arguments after--args
be returned?
Rscript args.R 10
where 10 is the numeric value we want to pass to the R script.
prints out the value which can then be assigned to a variable.