
YUI3 YQL using limit and sort together

I have a YQL query that combines a bunch of RSS feeds and then sorts them by date. It's working great, but I would like to be able to paginate the results.

Here is my query:

select channel.item.title, channel.item.link, channel.item.pubDat开发者_开发问答e, channel.item.description(0) from xml where url in(... urls go here ...) | unique(field='channel.item.link') | sort(field='channel.item.pubDate', descending='true')

The problem is that yql executes LIMIT and OFFSET before the sort filter. So if I have a LIMIT 5 I end up with only the first 5 items from the first RSS feed in the list ... not the first 5 items of all my combined feeds.

Is there a way to chain queries, so I can get all my query that sorts all the results and the call a query that limits my results.

Thanks for the help.

Use the truncate(count=5) to get the first 5 items of the filtered feed.

select channel.item.title, channel.item.link, channel.item.pubDate, channel.item.description(0) from xml where url in(... urls go here ...) | unique(field='channel.item.link') | sort(field='channel.item.pubDate', descending='true') | truncate(count=5)

Or the tail() method with a reversed sort (posted above) would work as well.

See http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/guide/sorting.html

What about using tail() and additionally sort() in the other direction?

Something like this:

select channel.item.title, channel.item.link, channel.item.pubDate, channel.item.description(0) from xml where url in(... urls go here ...) | unique(field='channel.item.link') | sort(field='channel.item.pubDate', descending='false') | tail(count=5)

I have not tried this and I am not sure which sort order you need but you can for sure use tail(). There is no equivalent head() function apparently, so make sure the newest items are are the end after your sorting.

For further information see http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/guide/sorting.html





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