
getting the value of a div in jquery?

i wanted to get the value of a hidden div in jquery i.e.

<div id="text">hello i am the value, you want</div>

and i want insert this value into a another div in jquery i.e.



i forgot to mention that it had to be the text within the block div sorry i.e. its parent

<div class="block" id="status_13">
<div id="text">.......</div>



If your #text element contains HTML you might want to do:


If you are only concerned with the literal text of #text then you can do:


Of course, if you want to store the text in a variable first, you can do so:

var textValue = $('#text').text();

In regard to your later edit:

$('.block').bind('click', function() {
  var thisTextValue = $(this).children('.text').first().html();

Notice that I assumed the child div is marked with a class and not an id. Based on your description, it sounds like you have multiple "block" elements which each contain a "text" element. If that is the case, then $('#text') will always return the first "text" element in the document; IDs are unique in the document.

Don't use $ for variables (like $value), just value

var value = $('#text').html();

Did you try


I think this would work

//get the value from hidden field and store it in the variable 'valueYouWant'
var valueYouWant = $("#text").html();

//set it in other field

edit: More information can be found here





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