
System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageHeader Error

I'm trying to get the following to work on my machine but I get an error (Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageHeader')

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;

namespace com.companyname.business
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for SessionCreateRQClient.
    /// </summary>
    class SessionCreateRQClient
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Set user information, including security credentials and the IPCC.
                string username = "user";
                string password = "password";
                string ipcc = "IPCC";
                string domain = "DEFAULT";

                string temp = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("tmp");    // Get temp directory
                string PropsFileName = temp + "/session.properties";        // Define dir and file name
                DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
                string tstamp = dt.ToString("s") + "Z";

                //Create the message header and provide the conversation ID.
                MessageHeader msgHeader = new MessageHeader();
                msgHeader.ConversationId = "TestSession";       // Set the ConversationId

                From from = new From();
                PartyId fromPartyId = new PartyId();
                PartyId[] fromPartyIdArr = new PartyId[1];
                fromPartyId.Value = "WebServiceClient";
                fromPartyIdArr[0] = fromPartyId;
                from.PartyId = fromPartyIdArr;
                msgHeader.From = from;

                To to = new To();
                PartyId toPartyId = new PartyId();
                PartyId[] toPartyIdArr = new PartyId[1];
                toPartyId.Value = "WebServiceSupplier";
                toPartyIdArr[0] = toPartyId;
                to.PartyId = toPartyIdArr;
                msgHeader.To = to;

            //Add the value for eb:CPAId, which is the IPCC. 
            //Add the value for the action code of this Web service, SessionCreateRQ.

                msgHeader.CPAId = ipcc;
                msgHeader.Action = "SessionCreateRQ";
                Service service = new Service();
                service.Value = "SessionCreate";
                msgHeader.Service = service;

                MessageData msgData = new MessageData();
                msgData.MessageId = "mid:20001209-133003-2333@clientofsabre.com1";
                msgData.Timestamp = tstamp;
                msgHeader.MessageData = msgData;

                Security security = new Security();
                SecurityUsernameToken securityUserToken = new SecurityUsernameToken();
                securityUserToken.Username = username;
                securityUserToken.Password = password;
                securityUserToken.Org开发者_运维技巧anization = ipcc;
                securityUserToken.Domain = domain;
                security.UsernameToken = securityUserToken;

                SessionCreateRQ req = new SessionCreateRQ();
                SessionCreateRQPOS pos = new SessionCreateRQPOS();
                SessionCreateRQPOSSource source = new SessionCreateRQPOSSource();
                source.PseudoCityCode = ipcc;
                pos.Source = source;
                req.POS = pos;

                SessionCreateRQService serviceObj = new SessionCreateRQService();
                serviceObj.MessageHeaderValue = msgHeader;
                serviceObj.SecurityValue = security;

                SessionCreateRS resp = serviceObj.SessionCreateRQ(req); // Send the request

                if (resp.Errors != null && resp.Errors.Error != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error : " + resp.Errors.Error.ErrorInfo.Message);

                    msgHeader = serviceObj.MessageHeaderValue;
                    security = serviceObj.SecurityValue;

                    Console.WriteLine("Response of SessionCreateRQ service");
                    Console.WriteLine("BinarySecurityToken returned : " + security.BinarySecurityToken);
                    string ConvIdLine = "convid="+msgHeader.ConversationId; // ConversationId to a string
                    string TokenLine = "securitytoken="+security.BinarySecurityToken;   // BinarySecurityToken to a string
                    string ipccLine = "ipcc="+ipcc; // IPCC to a string

                    File.Delete(PropsFileName);     // Clean up
                    TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(PropsFileName);    // Create & open the file
                    tw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now);     // Write the date for reference
                    tw.WriteLine(TokenLine);        // Write the BinarySecurityToken
                    tw.WriteLine(ConvIdLine);       // Write the ConversationId
                    tw.WriteLine(ipccLine);     // Write the IPCC


            catch(Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Message : " + e.Message );
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Stack Trace : " + e.StackTrace);


I have added the reference System.ServiceModel and the lines:

using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;

but I continue to get that error when trying to compile --

Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface 'System.ServiceModel.Channels.MessageHeader'

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.21022.8 RTM Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 SP1 Professional Edition

Is there another reference I have to add? Or a dll to move over?

I wonder was the code above written for Framework 2.0 only?

Thanks for your help.

The error message is correct, you cannot create an instance of that class, it is declared abstract.


See if the static method MessageHeader.CreateHeader will work for you. Note there is several overloads, so pick the best one for you.





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