
Replacing [[wiki:Title]] with a link to my wiki

I'm looking for a simple replacement of [[wiki:Title]] into <a href="/wiki/Title">Title</a>.

So far, I have:

$text = preg_replace("/\[\[wiki:(\w+)\]\]/","<a href=\"/wiki/read/\\1\">\\1</a>", $text);

The above works for single words, but I'm trying to include spaces and on occasion special characters.

I get the \w+, but \w\s+ and/or \.+ aren't doing anything.

Could someone improve my understanding of basic regex? And I开发者_JS百科 don't mean for anyone to simply point me to a webpage.

\w\s+ means "a word-character, followed by 1 or more spaces". You probably meant (\w|\s)+ ("1 or more of a word character or a space character").

\.+ means "one or more dots". You probably meant .+ (1 or more of any character - except newlines, unless in single-line mode).

The more robust way is to use


This means "1 or more of any character, but stop at first position where the rest matches", i.e. stop at first right bracket in this case. Without ? it would look for the longest available match - i.e. past the first bracket.

You need to use \[\[wiki:([\w\s]+)\]\]. Notice square brackets around \w\s.

If you are learning regular expressions, you will find this site useful for testing: http://rexv.org/

You're definitely getting there, but you've got a couple syntax errors.

When you're using multiple character classes like \w and \s, in order to match within that group, you have to put them in [square brackets] like so... ([\w\s]+) this basically means one or more of words or white space.

Putting a backslash in front of the period escapes it, meaning the regex is searching for a period.

As for matching special characters, that's more of a pain. I tried to come up with something quickly, but hopefully someone else can help you with that.
(Great cheat sheet here, I keep a copy on my desk at all times: http://www.addedbytes.com/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions-cheat-sheet/ )





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