
Is DataGridView.DataSource synchronized with DataGridView UI?

assume we have a DataGridView dgv and dgv.DataSource = dataTable where

dataTable = new DataTable().

The question is: Is values we access through dgv like getting dgv开发者_如何学C[i,j] is always what we have in dataTable and vice versa ??

I believe the answer is yes. If you take a look at the DataGridViewCell.Value property in Reflector and follow its twisty path, you'll end up at some code that (after a bunch of noise to deal with the case of an unbound control) looks like this:

DataGridView.DataGridViewDataConnection dataConnection = dataGridView.DataConnection;
if (dataConnection == null)
    return null;
if (dataConnection.CurrencyManager.Count <= rowIndex)
    return this.Properties.GetObject(PropCellValue);
return dataConnection.GetValue(this.OwningColumn.BoundColumnIndex, this.ColumnIndex, rowIndex);

So here you can see that accessing the Value property of a DataGridViewCell is going straight to the data source. In other words it isn't some lagged synchronization process where you might have a value updated in the DataGridView after the corresponding row is updated in the DataTable; one just points straight to the other.





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