
Error: Forbidden Access Message (Drupal-6.x)

I'm new to Drupal and I'm trying to create multiple sites inside Drupal. I'm trying to create a symlink via the command line. I tried going to my browser to run the new installation for the new website, but I receive a message that says Forbidden Access.

To create the symlink in the terminal:

ln -s ~/Site开发者_运维百科s/drupal-6.20/sites/sitename2.com

My Drupal-6.20 folder is the root directory of my localhost.

In the browser to start the installation I tried: http://localhost:80/sitename2.com

Short answer: the web root should be pointing to the index.php in the Drupal root for all of the sites you're hosting on that codebase.

In your case, you are getting an error because there's nothing in the /sites/yoursite.com directory that your webserver can run on it's own.

Longer answer: Configuring Drupal for multiple domains takes a little bit more reading and learning that can be summarized in an SO response.

The guide at http://drupal.org/getting-started/6/install/multi-site is a great place to start, and includes links to videos and additional tutorials in case you need additional help.

I don't know drupal that much, but i know other cms. And i think you should check for "permisions tab". I worked with joomla, which i think is quite simmilar. And the first time you just have to go to http://localhost/. Installation started. And when it finnished, i had to delete installation folder out of localhost root.

But this is for joomla.





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