
Equivalent Java data type to hold the Informix DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value?

I wanted to map the Informix DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND to a Java data type.

Can someone give the corresponding Java data type to hold the Informix DATET开发者_运维技巧IME YEAR TO SECOND value?

This is the answer: java.sql.Time according to my JDBC driver.

DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND can be mapped to a TIMESTAMP according to this documentation :


TIMESTAMPs can be mapped to java.util.Date.
If you need to perform calculation on your Date, use java.util.Calendar:

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
// Use the roll fonction to alter the date
// For example add one month to your Date
calendar.roll(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
// Get your Date back
date = calendar.getTime();

Do you use any framework to map your data ?

I made simple test using table from Jonathan Leffler answer to: Informix 7.3 - Declaring a date column data type with default as current date on insert/update

I use Jython and JDBC Informix driver JDBC.3.70.JC1DE. Test code that uses metadata looks like:

    db = DriverManager.getConnection(db_url, usr, passwd)
    c = db.createStatement()
    rs = c.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM test_datetime")
    rsmd = rs.getMetaData()
    print('columnCnt: %d' % (rsmd.getColumnCount()))
    while (rs.next()):
        for i in range(rsmd.getColumnCount()):
            col_no = i + 1
            print("value: [%s]" % rs.getString(col_no))
            print("name: [%s]" % rsmd.getColumnName(col_no))
            print("Java type: %d" % rsmd.getColumnType(col_no))
            print("Java class name: %s" % rsmd.getColumnClassName(col_no))
            print("column type name: %s" % rsmd.getColumnTypeName(col_no))
            print('-' * 20)

Output for interesting columns:

value: [03.01.11]
name: [date_column]
Java type: 91
Java class name: java.sql.Date
column type name: date
value: [2011-01-03 00:00:00.0]
name: [datetime_yd]
Java type: 93
Java class name: java.sql.Timestamp
column type name: datetime year to day
value: [2011-01-03 10:28:51.0]
name: [datetime_ys]
Java type: 93
Java class name: java.sql.Timestamp
column type name: datetime year to second
value: [10:28:51]
name: [datetime_hs]
Java type: 92
Java class name: java.sql.Time
column type name: datetime hour to second

So correct answer for this version of JDBC driver is: datetime year to second is mapped to java.sql.Timestamp.

PS You wrote thay your driver maps this to java.sql.Time but maybe you use some old version of Informix JDBC driver?

Have you tried using java.sql.Date ? I have no knowledge of Informix, however it seems to be the natural type for such a data, no ?

you can use java.util.Date, if you want to access hour, minute and second values..

yes i got your question .. You can use a Timestamp data Type


Timestamp temp;




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