Circle radius on Lat/Lng map
I am trying to draw a circle on a CloudMade map. The center of the circle is expressed in Lat/Lng, while the radius is in meters. Here following is the JavaScript I use, but some tests seem to indictae that the conversion I'm using for the radius gives me a too short radius. Does somebody understand what I', doing wrong?
function DrawCircle (center, radius)
var circlePoints = Array();
with (Math)
var d = radius/6371000; // radians
var lat1 = (PI/180) *; // radians
var lng1 = (PI/180) * center.lng(); // radians
for (var a = 0; a <= 360; a++)
var tc = (PI/180) * a;
var y = asin(sin(lat1) * cos(d) + cos(lat1) * sin(d) * cos(tc));
var dlng = atan2(sin(tc) * sin(d) * cos(lat1), cos(d) - sin(开发者_运维知识库lat1) * sin(y));
var x = ((lng1 - dlng + PI) % (2 * PI)) - PI ; // MOD function
var point = new CM.LatLng(parseFloat(y * (180/PI)), parseFloat(x * (180/PI)));
circle = new CM.Polygon(circlePoints, circleBorderColor, circleBorderWidth, circleBorderOpacity, circleFillColor, circleFillOpacity);