
where can i check the syntax error in jQuery

I want to check my jquery syntax somewhere. where i can check it ? I am getting syntax error in my script

      var date = new Date();
      var d = date.getDate();
      var m = date.getMonth();
      var y = date.getFullYear();
      var officerid = document.getElementById('officerid').value;
      url = "/TasksToOfficer/Calender/" + officerid; 
      var currenteventIden = <%= serializer.Serialize( ViewData["iden"] ) %>
      var calendar = $('#calendar').fullCalendar
         header: {
                              left: 'prev,next today',
                              center: 'title',
                              right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay',
                              border: 0

              eventClick: function(event, element) 

              var title = prompt('Event Title:', event.title, { buttons: { Ok: true, Cancel: false} });
              var iden = event.id;
              if (title) 
                  var st = event.start;
                  var ed = event.end;
                  var aldy = event.allDay;
                  var dt = event.date;

                  event.title = title;                        

                  var date = new Date(st);
                  var NextMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
                  var dateString = (date.getDate()) + '/' + NextMonth + '/' + date.getFullYear();
                  var QueryStringForEdit=null;

                  QueryStringForEdit="officerid=" + officerid + "&description=" + title + "&date=" + dateString + "&IsForUpdate=true&iden=" + iden;

                  if (officerid) {$.ajax({
                                    type: "POST",
                                    url: "/TasksToOfficer/Create",
                                    data: QueryStringForEdit,
                                    success: function(result) 
                                            {if (result.success) $("#feedback input").attr("value", ""); // clear all the input fields on success
                                    error: function(req, status, error) 


          selectable: true,
          selectHelper: true,
          select: function(start, end, allDay) {
                                                  var title = prompt('Event Title:', { buttons: { Ok: true, Cancel: false }}

                                                  if (title)
                                                               title: title,
                                                               start: start,
                                                               end: end,
                                                               allDay: allDay
                                                            false); // This is false , because do not show same event on same date after render from server side.
                                                           var date = new Date(start);

                                                             var NextMonth = date.getMonth() + 1; // Reason: it is bacause of month array it starts from 0

                                                              var dateString = (date.getDate()) + '/' + NextMonth + '/' + date.getFullYear();

                                                      if (officerid)
                                                                        type: "POST",
                                                                        url: "/TasksToOfficer/Create",
                                                                        data: "officerid=" + officerid + "&description=" + title + "&date=" + dateString + "&IsForUpdate=false",
                                                                        success: function(result)
                                                                          if (result.success) $("#feedback input").attr("value", ""); // clear all the input fields on success

                                                                        error: function(req, status, error)

                                                    开发者_StackOverflow社区                    }
          editable: true,             
          events: url 
  }); // Getting here syntax error

What should be that ?

Please refer the JSFiddle


You have to select the jQuery version and then type the jQuery in javascript column. clicking on the JsLint button will pop you if any errors.

You can check it on JSLint.

Here's the first message I got when entering my code in jsLint: '$' was used before it was defined. (on http://www.jslint.com/)

On the other hand, jsfiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/) provides a jsHint button (at the header bar) that understands jQuery and neatly flags mistakes. Also the TidyUp button sets the indentation properly! I already used that site but missed those features, now I'll use it much more.





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