
JSF - iFrame src attribute does not match HTML display

I have an iFrame in my page looking like this:

<h:panelGroup id="gameDiv">
        <iframe src="/levelup/resources/#{cc.attrs.src_dir}/#{cc.attrs.src_html}"     width="700px" height="800px" frameborder="0" id="gameFrame">

Basically, the "src" variable is bound using JSF 2.0 EL, and gets its value from a backing bean.

I then开发者_开发百科 use a form to update this value, and refresh the whole page. In the rendered HTML, I can see that the "src" for my div has been updated. However, the HTML page still shows the old one.

I thought the issue was similar to 2 iframes with the same display even if the src are different, and I tried the solutions that have been mentioned (using a timestamp to make the src unique, or resetting them to "about:blank" on each page load). None of them worked however.

For information, the form that updates the backing bean is:

<h:form id="gameSelectionForm">
    <h:selectOneMenu id="gameSelection">
        <f:selectItems value="#{gameBean.gameIds}" />
    <p:commandButton id="gameSelector" action="#{gameBean.changeGame}" update="gameScoreFieldset, gameDiv" />

Any hint would be much useful.

Thanks in advance,


You're changing the src of the iframe using JS/Ajax, but not reloading its content.

There are 2 ways to fix this:

  • Just don't use JS/ajax. A synchronous HTTP request will reload the entire document and thus automagically reload the iframe.

    <p:commandButton ajax="false" />
  • Use JS to force reload. Add the following after the <iframe>.


Oh, you definitely need to remove the <f:verbatim>. Since JSF 1.2 that tag is utterly useless.





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