[SPARQL/DBPedia]make a query with a zip-code and get some information about the city
Hey, i want to make a query with a zip-code to get some informations about the City. But how it works?
Can someone tell me 开发者_开发百科how the query must look?
Greetz sheepy
I am not sure if dbpedia holds zip-code data. What they have are the geographical coordinates of all the resources that can be geographically positioned.
You could extract those coordinates with queries similar to :
PREFIX geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>
PREFIX onto: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
?s a onto:Place .
?s geo:lat ?lat .
?s geo:long ?long .
This query would get for you all places with their coordinates. You could use Google MAPs API to get the coordinates for certain zip-code and then get places around that zip-code by filtering the coordinates in the SPARQL query.
PREFIX geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>
PREFIX onto: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
?s a onto:Place .
?s geo:lat ?lat .
?s geo:long ?long .
} FILTER ( ?long > YOUR_LONG - radius && ?long < YOUR_LONG + radius &&
lat > YOUR_LAT - radius && ?lat < YOUR_LAT + radius)
If you explain a bit more your use case I might be able to help better.
Another hint ... you could use also Geonames
Is it possbile that the FILTER has to be included into the Where brackets{}?
SELECT * WHERE { ?s a onto:Place . ?s geo:lat ?lat . ?s geo:long ?long . FILTER ( ?long > YOUR_LONG - radius && ?long < YOUR_LONG + radius && lat > YOUR_LAT - radius && ?lat < YOUR_LAT + radius) } LIMIT 100