What are the exact names for the components of an argument?
Example: I have this Objective-C code:
String: is the name of the argument?
NSString* is the data type of the argument?
for the last part, string I'm not sure. It's somewhat a name too. But what's the exact term?
Here's an example from the apple docs:
+ (id)dateWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)seconds sinceDate:(NSDate *)date
seconds The number of seconds to add to date. Use a negative argument to specify a date and time before date.
date The date.
Obviously they're looking at the variable when referencing the arguments, not the name part in front of the datatype-brackets. I was always wondering how to name this thing correctly.
Here +
shows that it is class function you can access it by the class not the object.
first (NSString*)
shows it returns an string then stringWithString
this is the name
and after that (NSString*)
is the argument type.
and finally string
is the argument which use as local parameter for the function.
Name of the function , variables and classes follow a naming convention for easy understanding about the code.