Drawing text on a Bitmap (rather than Canvas) [closed]
I am drawing some text on a Canvas, and on a Bitmap, respectively:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawText("Canvas text", 10, 10, mPaint);
Canvas singleUseCanvas = new Canvas();
singleUseCanvas.drawText("Bitmap text", 10, 30, mPaint);
In the former case, the text renders as you would expect, while in the latter, it appears very rough and ugly. This becomes even more problematic when using e.g.
to apply transformations to the bitmap. Am I doing something wrong, or is the quality simply deteriorated when you pass from Canvas to Bitmap?
On a side note, the reason why I'm drawing text on a Bitmap is to obtain a "magnifier" effect on the text in question (like Apple OSX's dock), since I can then apply arbitrary transformations to it using a bitmap mesh. Is there another, perhaps better, way to do this?
Edit: Solved. For those interested, the problem seems to occur when using API versions < 4. When using API versions >= 4, everything works.